2018 Winners
The winners were revealed at the seventh annual Irish Sponsorship Awards ceremony on Wednesday, December 5th, in the Round Room at The Mansion House, Dublin.
For photos from the night, visit our Facebook page.
High resolution photos can be found on our Flickr page.
Sponsorship of the Year
Just Eat delivers Love Island on Virgin Media Two

Gerard O'Neill, Chairman, Amárach Research, presents the Sponsorship of the Year award to the Just Eat & Virgin Media Team.

Best Sponsorship Brand
Just Eat for the Just Eat dublinbikes Sponsorship

Daragh Persse, Founder, The Brand Fans, presents the Best Sponsorship Brand award to the Just Eat team for the Just Eat dublinbikes Sponsorship.

Best Sponsorship Team - Agency
TITAN Experience

Margaret Colton, Head of Marketing, Dunnes Stores, presents the Best Sponsorship Team - Agency award to the TITAN Experience Team.

Best Sponsorship Team - Rightsholder
Live Nation Ireland

Daragh Persse, Founder, The Brand Fans, presents the Best Sponsorship Team - Rightsholder award to the Live Nation Ireland Team.

Best Sponsorship Team - Brand

Daragh Persse, Founder, The Brand Fans, presents the Best Sponsorship Team - Brand award to the Three Ireland Team.

Best Sports Team or Athlete Sponsorship
Aer Lingus Official Airline of the Irish Rugby Team

Colin O'Toole, Marketing Manager, Mondelez, presents the Best Sports Team or Athlete Sponsorship award to the Aer Lingus Team.

Best Sporting Event Sponsorship
SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon #TwentyThousandStories

Colin O'Toole, Marketing Manager, Mondelez, presents the Best Sporting Event Sponsorship award to the SSE Airtricity & JGA Team.

Best Entertainment Event Sponsorship
Laya Healthcare’s City Spectacular

Colin O'Toole, Marketing Manager, Mondelez, presents the Best Entertainment Event Sponsorship award to the Laya Healthcare Team.

Innovation in Sponsorship
Playstival with The Happy Pear

Tony O’Flanagan, Marketing Director, JCDecaux, presents Innovation in Sponsorship award to Gerard O’Neill, Amárach Research, on behalf of Playstival.

Best Multi-Platform Sponsorship
Lidl Ladies Gaelic Football Association County Jersey Campaign

Tony O’Flanagan, Marketing Director, JCDecaux, presents the Best Multi-Platform Sponsorship award to Jay Wilson, Lidl Ireland, Jackie Cahill & Aislinn Harkin, LGFA.
Best TV Broadcast Sponsorship
Just Eat delivers Love Island on Virgin Media Two

Jim Geraghty, Sponsorship Manager, Heineken, presents the Best TV Broadcast Sponsorship award to the Just Eat & Virgin Media Team.

Best Arts & Cultural Sponsorship
Seachtain na Gaeilge le Energia
submitted by The Brand Fans

Tony O’Flanagan, Marketing Director, JCDecaux, presents the Best Arts & Cultural Sponsorship award to the Seachtain na Gaeilge & Energia Team.

Best Societal Sponsorship
Lyons Tea & Pieta House #TimeToTalk
submitted by Unilever

Sarah Rooney, Associate Director, Amárach Research, presents the Best Societal Sponsorship award to Ann Marie Finucane & Paul Kelly, Unilever Ireland.

Best Grass Roots Sponsorship
Aldi Play Rugby

Sarah Rooney, Associate Director, Amárach Research, presents the Best Grass Roots Sponsorship award to Colm Finnegan, IRFU, Audrey O’Brien & Rob Hyland, Aldi Ireland.

Rising Star in Sponsorship
Pippa Doyle
Littlewoods Ireland

Conor Cullen, Sponsorship and Events Manager, Football Association of Ireland, presents the Rising Star in Sponsorship award to Pippa Doyle, Littlewoods Ireland.

Best Use of Experiential Marketing
Bringing Hoops to the Streets
submitted by Largo Foods

Conor Cullen, Sponsorship and Events Manager, Football Association of Ireland presents the Best Use of Experiential Marketing award to Ian O' Rourke, Largo Foods.

Best Use of Social Media
Lidl for Ladies Gaelic Football Association

Conor Cullen, Sponsorship and Events Manager, Football Association of Ireland, presents the Best Use of Social Media award to Tom Mughal, Lidl Ireland.

Best Low Budget Sponsorship
XL for TG4's Ros na Rún
submitted by Post TV with XL

Margaret Colton, Head of Marketing, Dunnes Stores, presents the Best Low Budget Sponsorship award to the BWG Foods & Post TV Team.

Best Use of PR
Vhi Women’s Mini Maratho
submitted by Teneo PSG

Jim Geraghty, Sponsorship Manager, Heineken, presents the Best Use of PR award to Vhi, Teneo PSG & Women’s Mini Marathon Team.

Best Use of Digital
Life Style Sports for #LiveMunster & #LiveLeinster

Jim Geraghty, Sponsorship Manager, Heineken, presents the Best Use of Digital award to Lifestyle Sports Team & Teneo PSG.